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i think its the root

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Q: What does the female spore develop into?
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What is the function of the spore of gymnosperms?

The function of the spore in gymnosperms is to serve as a reproductive structure that can develop into a gametophyte. The spore undergoes mitotic division to produce a multicellular gametophyte, which then produces the gametes (sperm or eggs). The fusion of these gametes gives rise to the development of the next generation of gymnosperms.

What is germiniation?

to develop into a plant or individual, as a seed, spore, orbulb.

What does germination do?

to develop into a plant or individual, as a seed, spore or bulb.


The gymnosperms produce megaspores and microspores. A microspore is the male spore and megaspore is the large female spore. The microspore undergoes mitosis to produce the multicellular male gametophyte. These male gametophytes are the pollen grains that are contained inside short pollen cones. The megaspore is the large female spore that undergoes mitosis to produce the multicellular female gametophyte that is housed in a large female cone.

Where do gymnosperm seeds develop?

Gymnosperms do not produce spore, they produce pollen and seeds. The seeds and pollen are both produced in cones and the seed is "naked", it is not enclosed in an ovary.

Is spore have male or female or both?

no its just about getting the oral sex

Which has a better chance of growinga seed or a spore?

A spore,because a male cell and a female cell unite and produce a stalk that grows out of a female plant.The stalk releases the spores that will grow into new moss plants.

Why can a new plant develop more rapidly from a seed than from a spore?

Because a seed is bigger than a spore so the plant already has kind of a "head start".

Where are the mushroom spore produce?

The spores develop amongst the gills found on the underside of a mushroom's cap.

What is the difference between a gamete and a spore?

gamete- a sex cell with half the total chromozomes which needs to meet another gamete to start a lifespore- asexual reproduction unit with has a full set of cromozomes and can germinate to become a normal being, usually it is more hardy and is used to survive harsh conditions like winter or summer The difference between a gamete and a spore : - a gamete can be either a gamete male, or a gamete female. And to become a Plantae, both are needed, - a spore isn't male or female, that's why, he only needs his-self to become a plantae (or a mushrom)

What is a micro spore?

A microspore is is a part of heterosporous spore production, in which two types of sporophylls develop into two kinds of spores (eventually eggs and sperm). Microspores later develop in male gametophytes (sperm). Microspores start out as microsporangia in microsporophylls that later become microspores.

What are the characteristics of spore-bearing animals?

There are NO spore bearing animals, spores are features of fungi and certain primitive plants - (In biology, a spore is a unit of asexual reproduction that may be adapted for dispersal). while corals may "sporne" this is a sexual process and requires male and female components for successful fertilization. This is certainly NOT spore bearing.