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that they are sweet, and beautiful.

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Kylie Streich

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Q: What does the episode of sirens tell us about Odysseus character?
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The Sirens try to convince Odysseus that?

they can tell him his future

What chapter did Circe tell Odysseus about the sirens?

Book 12 of the Odyssey.

What does circe tell Odysseus to do with his men when they encounter the sirens?

He told them to put wax in their ears, so they wouldnt hear the sirens.

What does Circe tell Odysseus to do to restist the sirens?

To put wax in the sailors ears and tie themselves to the ship.

Why did odysseus' men decide to approach circe?

So that Circe could tell them the warnings of the sea, thus dodging the Sirens.

What will to Odysseus whenhe listens to the sirens?

Circe tells Odysseus that he needs to tell his men to bound him to the mast of the ship with rope, and when he asks them to get out, that he be bound even tighter. As for his companions, there ears will be filled with wax.

What did Odysseus tell the crew to do when the sirens sang to them?

he told them to tie him so he couldn't leave and asked them to put wax in their ears so they couldn't hear the song.

What do the Sirens try to convince Odysseus to do?

Odysseus hears the song and thinks to join them, as the siren song will cause a man to lose all sense of survival and swim to the cliffs which surround the island the sirens live upon and in that way drown - or the man might try to navigate the ship onto the shore and in this way crash upon the reefs. The end result in both cases would be death. The Sirens themselves were trying to convince him that they knew the way home, and they could tell him, if only he came to them.

Why does Odysseus respond when he hears the siren's voices?

Basically, Homer is just a story teller who tell great stories like Odysseus. It was said that sirens have lovely voices but could lured whoever hear their voice to destruction. A mortal is said to be natural of being curious of almost anything, and Odysseus is no different. Odysseus is known to be a man of wit, so, when they are crossing the path where Sirens are, he didn't put an ear wax, instead he commanded his crew to strongly bind him on their post so that he wouldn't do anything that would lead him to his destruction. It was said, that only Odysseus is the man who lives and hears the sirens' song.

How does Odysseus motivate his men to stay calm when confronted by Scylla and Charybdis?

Odysseus motivates his men by reminding them of their previous hardships and victories, encouraging them to remain brave and courageous in the face of danger. He emphasizes the importance of following his orders and trusting in his leadership to navigate through the perilous situation.

What did Odysseus tell Telemachus to do on his signalWhat did Odysseus tell Telemachus to do on his signal?

Kill the suiters

What do sirens on ambulances and police cars do?

the sirens tell people that a car is coming also it sends a signal to stoplights for a go.