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The color of a koi fish relates to the family that they belong to. The blue koi fish is known as the asagi, the ogon is gold or orange, and bekko are white, yellow, and red.

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9y ago

The colors of a koi fish can let you know what species it is. The colors can also let you know how old the fish may be.

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Q: What does the color of a koi fish mean?
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How do you determine color of koi fish?

You look at the fish and see what color it is, if you're still not sure then... ask someone hope this was helpful :D

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Is the spot on a koi fish head the sun and what does it mean?

I have an incomplete answer for this. I just got a tattoo of a koi fish that I designed (without the spot). I got it done in Japan and the tattoo artist decided to add it. He explained to me that it when a koi fish gets older...something something...and that it was very japanese. I has something to do with the aging or wisdom of a koi fish.