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a rhino fire or vulcan with rotating barrels and a normal n strike paint job

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Q: What does the Nerf semperfire ultra look like?
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Related questions

What does a Nerf maverick look like?

It's a revolver.

What will a Nerf bullsharc grenade look like?

it looks big and bulky and you will like it

Where do you find black Nerf guns?

you don't. they are modified to look like that.

Is the Nerf recon M4 a real gun?

No. People just modify Nerf toy guns to look like real guns. They cannot shoot real ammunition.

What is the name of the Nerf gun that has a scope?

Easy, if you prefer normal scopes like acog, choose the "Longshot scope." If you like futuristic scopes look up the "Centerfire Tech Electronic scope."

What does a ultra ball look like?

its black with a yellow kind of u on the top

How do you get a Nerf gun to get better range?

Just look up videos on youtube on how to modify your nerf gun.

Where is the Nerf alpha trooper sold?

target it may not be on the Nerf shelve look on the ends of aisles or as an employee to look out back i got mine on the end of an aisle

What is Nerf headquarters?

it is a website that used to exist that is filled with retardation and horror,I recommend nerfhaven if you are look for a Nerf website.

How it look like the national costume of ultra-orthodox judaism?

It's NOT a costume, it's a dress code, depending of which group Ultra-Orthodox Jews come from.

What is the AR in a Nerf gun?

The AR is an acronym for Air Restrictor in a Nerf gun. When you look down the barrel of a Nerf gun you see a little peg, this on of the Air restrictors. It varies with each gun.

Is there a Nerf gun in stores?

Any Nerf gun being made is in some store. Just look at Wal-Mart, Target, or TRU.