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Stating the problem usually calls for asking Why? or How?.

Observation: My eyes water when I cut onions.

State the problem: Why do my eyes water when I cut onions?

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Q: What does state the nature of the problem mean for an experiment?
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What does problem mean in a science fair?

The problem in a science fair project just mean what are you trying to figure out in your experiment? Say your trying to figure out how smell affect taste that would be your problem.

What does state the hypothesis for solving the problem mean?

it means when you have a problem just say how you solved the problem?

What does nature of a problem mean?

unfortunately, i don't know. It is the same as saying what is the cause of, or what is the root source of. In other words, explain your problem in detail...get to the bottom of it...the nature..true issue at hand.

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What does the word experiment mean?

An experiment is an investigation or test that is required to either prove or disprove a hypothesis(an educated guess or a thought anwer to a question that is unproven). Simply put an experiment is a test that is carried out to find a solution to a problem.

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Why does a mean need to be determined for an experiment?

In an experiment, a mean needs to be determined if the experiment is quantifiable. The mean usually indicates the variation in the results.

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Scientific method is a systematic approach to problem solving.

What does it mean when a metal is said to be in its native state?

the term native state refers to metals which are found chemically uncombined in nature

What is by mean the tearm physical state of matter?

physical state defines the shape size and the form in which the matter exist in nature

What does natural state mean?

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