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which is why we are returning said (manuscript or papers) for your correction

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Q: What does por lo que le devolvemos el mismo para su correccion mean in spanish?
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lo mismo a ti

What does el mismo mean in spanish?

It means "The same". If there were an accent over the 'e', it would mean 'he, himself'.

What does lo mismo de tigo a ti mean?

It measn: The same thing of tigo to you. (tigo is not a Spanish word).

What does estas ahora mismo mean?

ahora mismo = right now. Donde estas ahora mismo = where are you right now.

What does lo mismo mean in English?

misma means the same in spanish.Hoe this helps

What does mismo a usted mean?

"Mismo a usted" translates to "same to you" in English. It is a common response when someone wishes you something (e.g., "have a nice day"), and you want to reciprocate the sentiment.

How do you say and figure it out on your own in spanish?

It depends on what you mean by "And figure it out on your own" If you mean it in the understanding of resolving a problem or bettering a situation, you may wish to say "Y resuélvalo tu mismo(a)" (male/female) If you mean it in the understanding of discovering an answer, you may wish to say "Y descúbrelo tu mismo(a)" (male/female)

What does espero que puedes hacerlo lo mismo si te hace feliz mean in English?

It translates from Spanish as.... 'I hope you can do the same thing if it makes you happy'

What does aqui mismo mean?

Where is it here.

What does yo ocupado ahora mismo mean?

Yo ocubado ahora mismo" is an incomplete sentence that means "I busy/occupied right now."To say "I am busy right now" is "Yo estoy ocupado ahora mismo."

What does ganaste ahora mismo mean?

It means "You won, right now".