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According to Merriam Webster's Dictionary: Excluded: To prevent or restrict the entrance of; to bar from participation, consideration, or inclusion // To expel or bar esp. from a place or position previously occupied

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Q: What does it mean to be excluded from something?
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Not unless something you did was specifically excluded from the coverage you are placing a claim against. If you did something that resulted in a claim and a reasonable person would or should know not to do such a thing because it would result in the damages that were cause, it may be something excluded due to the damage being intentional. If it

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Absolutely nothing. They were excluded.

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If you are excluded as a driver on a policy that means that no coverage for any type of claim will be paid on any vehicles on that policy. It also means that the insurance company will not pay for anyone else's damages caused by the excluded driver. Excluded mean no coverage at all.

Insurance claims for alcohol related illnesses?

What's the question? Do you mean are they excluded? Probably not.

The average of 5 numbers is 25 if one number is excluded the average becomes 25 the excluded number is?

The [mean] average of 5 numbers is 25, so their total is 5 x 25 = 125 The [mean] average of 4 numbers is 25, so their total is 4 x 25 = 100 → the excluded number is 125 - 100 = 25. Alternatively, as the average doesn't change, the excluded number must be the average, ie 25.

when the mean of ten numbers is fifteen If one of the observation is excluded the mean gets reduced by 2 the excluded number is?

132...^ i think this is wrong.reversing the operation, the sum of the original numbers must be 150.removing a number and reducing that mean value to 13 will make nine numbers that add up to 117.therefore the number that has been excluded will be the difference between the original and secondary values (150 - 117)the answer is 33.