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it means depending on one another

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Q: What does interdependence mean in science?
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How does science connect things?

Science connects things to realize interdependence among them.

What does employing interdependence mean?

Employing interdependence means being able to get help from people to complete a task. Interdependence means that there is mutual dependence from the parties involved.

Could interdependence mean the US only relays on itself for goods and services?

Good interdependence mean that the US only relies on it so if it doesn't services

What is a sentence with the word interdependent in?

Jonas learned interdependence from Sophia as they worked together in their science fair project.

What does Family Interdependence mean?

it means that some family have to sacervice

What does the term interdependence mean in geography?

Interdependence means that the cells rely on each other in order to function properly and/or survive.

In interdependence and adaptation what does germination mean?

It is the fertilization or formation of a plant. The development of a plant.

What is reproductive interdependence?

An important link between the members of a community is interdependence for reproduction called as reproductive interdependence

What is the science concerned with living things and their environment?

The science concerned with living things and their environment is called Ecology. It studies about the interaction and interdependence of organisms with their environment. A one who studies ecology is called ecologist

What is the antonym of codependence?

What is the antonym of interdependence. What is the antonym of interdependence.

When countries rely on each other that is known as.?


Put interdependence in a sentence for a sixth grader?

The two sides note the growing global interdependence of national economies and financial structures.