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Physical excercise places greater demands on the abilities of the body to maintain a steady state.. Extra heat generated during excercise must be dissipated or abandoned, oxygen demands increase and more waste products such as sweat are produced. Homeostasis controls bodily temperate in ways such as sweating. The maintenance of homeostatis during excercise is principally the job of the circulatory system and respiratory systems, although skin, kidneys and liver are also very important.

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13y ago
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9y ago

It's a rather complex system which is not completely understood - but it's the whole body trying to keep internal conditions constant.

If temperature goes up, you sweat ... if cold, you shiver.

If pH rises you hyperventilate, if it drops you breath shallow.

This holds true for the proteins you make and the size of your muscles, the calcification pattern of your bones and the diameter of each of your blood vessels.

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12y ago

Homeostasis is the process in which a body maintains a relatively stable internal environment.

There are two major stages in homeostasis:

1.) The detections of variables from the stable state.

In this stage, a detection is made by sensors located around the body which detects abnormal variables such as an increase of temperature above the normal range. The detection is then transmitted to the control center.

2.) The counteraction to bring these variables back to the stable state.

Once the control center retrieves this information, it initiate a response which aims to counteract the abnormal variable. The response can be metabolic, physiological, behavioral etc. which then brings the body to its normal stable state.

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14y ago

HOMEOSTASIS: the process by which the internal systems of the body maintain a balance, despite external conditions

· Communication by the nervous and endocrine system, which uses neural electrical impulse or blood borne hormones.

· THE RECEPTORS: responds to changes called stimuli by sending information to control centre.

· THE CONTROL CENTRE: determines the set point. It analyzes the input it receives and determines the appropriate response. Then information travels to efferent pathway.

· THE EFFECTOR: provides the means for the control centre's response to the stimulus.

· The results of the response then feedback to influence the effect of the stimulus, either negative feedback, so that the whole control process is shut off or positive feedback

· Therefore the whole process continues at an even faster rate.

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11y ago

Homeostasis is the regulation of the internal environment, this case in humans can be exemplified by processes such as, excretion, sweating, and amongst other processes that control the physiological environment. On a macroscopic scale exocytosis can be an example of regulation on the cellular level.

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13y ago

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant total internal environment, including aspects such as glucoregulation (blood sugar level), osmoregulation (water potential in the blood), thermoregulation (appropriate body temperature) for the body cells to perform their tasks to the highest effectivity and survive at the same time.

hormones for running come from above the kidneys and gives more glucose to the muscles that are taking oxygen from the blood

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11y ago

It is maintenance of physio-chemical equilibrium of body........and i don't know the answer of why....

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The body LOVES being in homeostasis.

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The body will return to homeostasis when it gets what it needs to do so. Many times a body needs water to return to homeostasis.

Does homeostasis affect body temperature?

The stabilization of body temperature is homeostasis. What affects homeostasis is the interaction of the hypothalamus and hormones, such as prostaglandin; an indirect marker for inflammation. Homeostasis is constant/stable. The hypothalamus ensures body temperature homeostasis.

Pathologic condition affect the homeostasis of the body?

Pathological conditions do affect the homeostasis of the body. This is the constant state of the body when it is in good health. An illness will change this homeostasis.

What would happen to your body of you could not maintain homeostasis?

Homeostasis keeps your body stable even when things outside your body changes. This means without your homeostasis you will not survive!

Which system in the body does not work to maintain homeostasis?

All systems in the body contribute to mainining homeostasis!

How does homeostasis work in the body?

Homeostasis works in our body by sleeping eating and more I hope this work for me and for you

What is the process in which your body regulates itself called?
