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all of them are very rare in the earth's crust

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Q: What does group 9 in the periodic table share?
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Group 9

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What does ir mean in the periodic table?

Ir refers to iridium element that is placed in group-9 and period-6 in the modern periodic table.

What is meitnerium group name?

Meitnerium is located in the group 9 and period 7 of the periodic table of Mendeleev.

What is the difference between a period and a group on page 126-127 in the Nelson Science Textbook of Grade 9 for Ontario?

The difference between a period and a group is that:A periodic is a horizontal row of elements in the periodic table, which simply means the column of the periodic table.A group is a vertical row of elements in the periodic table, which simply means the row of the periodic table.

Was is the atomic number of iridium on the periodic table?

The atomic number of iridium is 77. Its symbol is Ir. It is placed in group-9 and period -6 in the periodic table.

Where is fluorine located at on the periodic table?

Fluorine (symbol F) is an element found in group 17 and period 2 on the periodic table

What family is the element chlorine in on the periodic table?

Halogen, group 9, atomic number 17

What does f mean on a periodic table?

f mean Fluorine on a periodic table.Fluorine is a halogen with atomic number 9.It occurs in group 17 on the table.

Where is fluorine located in the periodic table?

Fluorine is in group VII and period 2, element number 9.

Where is meitnerium located?

Meitnerium is located now in the group 9 and period 7 of the periodic table of Mendeleev.

What is the group for fluorine?

On the periodic table, fluorine and chlorine belong in group 17. This group is often called the halogen gases.