

What does dig means?

Updated: 5/11/2022
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8y ago

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dig means pull up a piece of land

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Q: What does dig means?
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What was another word for dig out and remove that begin with ex?

Excavate means to dig out. It starts with the letters ex.

What is the difference between dig in and dig out?

dig means you are just generally searching and dig up means you're pretty sure you've found what you're looking for.

What word means to dig up?

Excavate is the word for dig up.

What word means to dig up something?

Excavate is the word for dig up.

What does dig mean in Swedish?

Verbdig = grabenNoundig = Grabung

What does Ingen Som Dig mean?

Ingen som dig. This is Swedish and means "Nobody like you."

What does the Swedish word dig mean?

Dig means you, but it is in the form of an object in a sentence.For example when 'you' is an object for a feeling:"I love you." -> "Jag älskar dig."

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Cavar means to dig.

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How do you say let me keep you in Swedish?

"Låt mig behålla dig." means "Let me keep you.""Låt mig hålla dig." means "Let me hold you."

Does the root of periscope mean dig?

No, it means view. A+