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It's secondary or tertiary insurance that is held to cover any medical expenses the primary insurance policy does not cover or does not cover completely.

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Q: What does coinsurance mean in medical insurance's?
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What does coinsurance on health insurance mean?

Coninsurance is the amount you are required to pay for medical care in a fee-for-service plan after you have met your deductible. The coinsurance rate is usually expressed as a percentage. For example, if the insurance company pays 80 percent of the claim, you pay 20 percent.

What does deductible and coinsurance mean?

On a health insurance policy, a "deductible" is a specified amount which the insured/beneficiary must pay out of their own pocket, before their insurance will pay any covered medical services. After the deductible amount is met, a "coinsurance" is a percentage amount which the insured/beneficiary is responsible for. For example, if an insurance policy is an "80/20 plan", this means that the insurance company pays 80% of medical services, and the patient (insured) is responsible to pay the remaining 20% (coinsurance).

What are the best medical health insurances?

Some of the best medical health insurances out there are Tricare, Medicare and Medicaid. Depending on your annual income, you can opt for options that will take care of your medical expenses including prescriptions.

Where can I compare medical insurance?

There are several ways to compare medical insurances. You can call several select companies and compare that way or you can compare them online. There are several companies that compare different insurances for you.

What do life insurances want to see in a medical record?

Hospital or Phycisian

What does PCY on health insurance coinsurance mean?

PCY: Per Calender Year

Which companies offer children medical insurances?

The following companies offer children medical insurances: Famis, AXA PPP Helthcare, Health Online, Insure Kids Now, Aviva, Bupa, April UK, Freedom Healthnet.

Do you have to pay the medical bill if you have 2 insurances?

YOu have to pay the balance of what the insurance companies do not pay.

What kind of insurance is tax deductible?

Insurance for one's personal property such as auto or homeowner's insurance is tax deductible. Other tax deductible insurances are medical and dental insurances.

Do you have mental health resources?

Most medical insurances do have a mental health department. Check with your doctor.

Who pays for an organ donation?

My insurances paid for my organ transplant but monies were also paid to the donor's medical bills (if I am not mistaken.)