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it blocks one of their systems from working ( i think it's digestive system it blocks)

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Q: What does chocolate do to a dog if eaten?
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Why do some dogs tolerate chocolate?

Chocolate is NEVER good for dogs, but sometimes it's not bad enough to be noticed. It's all about the size of the dog, the type and the amount of chocolate it has eaten. Dark chocolate, small dog - doesn't take much to be dangerous. Big dog, milk chocolate - not that dangerous.

Your dog ate chocolate 2 days ago and is acting a little hyperactive was she poisoned?

It is always good to take a dog to the vet right away after they have eaten chocolate, just to be safe.

What can you give your dog if they ate hershy chocolate?

Call your vet immediately; give the weight of your dog and the amount of chocolate eaten. The vet will guide you. If it just happened, do it this minute. or you can just give it a peptobismo tablaet

What do you give a dog after he has eaten cocoalate?

A prompt trip to your vet or a Veterinary ER. Even a small amount of some types of chocolate can be extremely serious to a dog.

How long does it take for a dog to die after eating chocolate?

Maybe, because chocolate is poisonous to dogs. When it happens, think of how much chocolate your dog has eaten. If your dog has ate lots of chocolate, your dog needs immediate help. If not much, call your dog's vet for more information. Always call your dog's vet if your dog has ate chocolate (any amount). So, your dog might not die automatically

How much time does a dog live after eating chocolate?

Dogs should not eat chocolate. However, the length of time a dog lives after eating chocolate is different for each dog and also depends on the amount of chocolate the dog has eaten. The dog may only have diarrhea and vomiting. If the dog ingests a large amount of chocolate, they may have hyperactivity, tremors, high blood pressure, a rapid heart rate, seizures, respiratory failure, and cardiac arrest. The theobromine (the toxic ingredient in chocolate) stays in a dog's system for many hours, so death can occur in a short amount of time or may take several days.

What happens if dog eats a lot of dark chocolate?

First, dogs should not eat ANY chocolate let alone a lot of it. If a dog eats chocolate it gets sick and has a chance of dying because the cocoa in chocolate contains something that is very harmful to dogs.

Do Chocolate Chip Cookies have to beaten?

yes, they have to "be eaten"! it's chocolate after all.

What if a dog ate a chocolate chip cookie?

That depends on what's in the cookies. Known toxins you might find in cookies include chocolate, salt, raisins. Considering his size, the toxic doses of chocolate and salt are likely to be rather high, but raisins have been seen to cause damage even when very few are eaten. May be wise to call ASPCA's Poison Control hotline, or your Vet, to determine best course of action.

When chocolates should be eaten before or after the meals?

Your meal is hopefully the more nutritious one so the chocolate will be eaten after. if you are full you might not want the chocolate or eat less of it which is better since chocolate is not necessary.

Where is the largest amount of chocolate eaten annually?


Was chocolate drunk or eaten?

It was drunken first by the Aztecs