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Without going into great detail, A bee sucks nectar from a blooming flower to store it and mix the nectar with enzymes and proteins to formulate honey. They then deposit the honey in hive cells.

A simple Google search on honey will come up with sites offering more information.

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Q: What does bees take from flowers to make honey?
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Can man take honey from flowers?

No, and neither can bees. Bees collect nectar from flowers and add enzymes to make honey.

Bees do what?

they collect pollen from flowers and take it to there hive to make honey

What do bees eat in a flower?

They take the nectar from flowers to make honey.

How many bees does it take to make a kilo of honey?

The flowers dont make honey the pollen does.

Why do bees take flowers pollen?

Bees take pollen to make honey.

How many flowers does it take to make one kilogram of honey?

Estimates vary, but the consensus is that bees have to visit between four million and seven million flowers to make one kilogram of honey.

Do bees pollinate flowers?

Yes they suck up the nectar from the flower and take it back to the hive and make honey.

How bee get their foods?

Bees get nectar from flowers then they take it to their hive and make honey, pollen catches onto their legs so when they go to other flowers they pollinate them.

How do people find honey and what plants are use in making honey?

Honey is produced by bees. The bees gather the pollen and nectar of flowers and take it back to the hive, where they basically ingest it and vomit it back up as honey, which they store. They store honey to feed to their larvae (babies) and to feed on during the winter. Lots of different flowers are used by the bees to make honey, it depends what species of bee it is and what area their hive is located in.

Do bees drink from flowers?

no actually butterflys do it too. Moths do it. pretty much every insect or bug does, BUT only bees use it to make honey

How many trips do honey bees take to collect enough nectar to make a pound of honey?

Between them the bees will make between 25 and 30 thousand foraging trips to collect enough nectar to make a pound of honey, and in the process they will visit something in the order of two million flowers.

Why does nectar from flowers attract bees?

New evidence shows that bees see the world in a higher-frequency prism of light than humans & the flowers seem to "light up" as if under a black light for them. If you could see what they see, you would understand their excitability around the flowers & their ability to move directly toward the flowers from a great distance.