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In numerology, you reduce numbers into single digits. So 911 becomes 9+1+1=11

11 is one of the master numbers. It is one of the few numbers that is not reduced down to a single digit.

The 11 is also known as the psychics number, it's the most intuitive of all numbers and it represents illumination and deep insight. The 11 is also very sensitive, charismatic and inspirational.

It acts as a channel for information between the higher and the lower. In order to find fulfillment and happiness, 11's have to focus on a bigger goal beyond themselves.

11's seem to develop slowly, but they simply need more time to mature and prepare themselves for the bigger goals and challenges they need to face. At times, 11's might get intimidated by the vastness of their goals and they might even loose confidence in themselves.

One of the major challenges of 11's is to develop confidence in their abilities and that's also the key to unlock their enormous potential.

11's can be overly fearful, timid and impractical. They often walk the edge between greatness and self-destruction and they might indulge too much in self-criticism.

As an 11 you often might feel alien, out of place, confused and you might lack direction. 11's also tend to be dreamers. If you don't focus on some higher goal, you might fall into depression.

*also note that 11s have alot of the number 2 characteristics in them as well

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