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An allusion is a brief reference to a person, event, or work of art that is not explained in detail within the text. It relies on the reader's existing knowledge to make a connection and deepen understanding or add layers of meaning to the text.

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14y ago

An allusion is anything that references something else. Therefore, a mythological allusion is one the references some part of mythology.

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13y ago

A reference made to something of mythology.

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13y ago

Indirect reference; hint

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Q: What is a simple definition of allusion?
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What are easy ways to remember allusion?

An allusion is an indirect or passing reference, a way to call something to mind without stating it directly. The success of an allusion depends on the audience "getting it," so you might think about "ALL-U" getting the reference to remind you that an allusion isn't immediately understood. You might also remember that "ALL Understand" an allusion or even "ALL" don't get it. Any way you can remember ALLusion instead of ILLusion would help you remember the word. To remember the definition, you could also think of Anti-direct or Anti-statement so you'll think of it being an indirect statement.