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you have to admit it to them!!!

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Q: What do you do when your in love with someone whose in love with you but neither of you will admit it?
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What does it mean when you tell someone you love them and it makes them happy?

that they love you back and are just too shy to admit it =]

If you love someone and they say 'i love you' and you get nervos what should you say or do?

2 way answer.. if you love them: admit it too if not: say thanks smile and hope they took the hint =]

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Probably that you love them and just can't get over that and you need to admit that there's no cure for well you know... love

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sometimes when you love someone your afraid to admit it, to yourself and other people. and your mind doesnt want to believe it either. so maybe this person your in love with maybe in love with you but before you admit that get to know he/she more! its just a thought! -Christina

What is a polygon whose vertices are on a circle and whose other points are inside the circle?

The inscribed polygon this is the correct answer trust me thank you love someone

What is polygon whose vertices are on a circle and whose other points are inside the circle?

The inscribed polygon this is the correct answer trust me thank you love someone

What is a polygon whose vertices are on the circle and whose other points are inside a circle?

The inscribed polygon this is the correct answer trust me thank you love someone

Would it be better to make love with someone you love instead of making love with someone you just want to hurt?

yes. you must love a person you want to neither whom you want to hurt , if you are handsome! It would be much better to make love with someone you love then someone you hurt. You shouldn't do that to someone to make them feel a certain way about you if you don't even care 1 bit about them.

Why do you always go back to someone you dont like?

because deep in your heart u love them and u don't wnt to admit it to urself

What happen if you stay with someone you don't love while you love someone else?

nothing will actually happen, but you will not be happy and neither will the person you are with because they will realise that connection is lost, but the person you love may not love you back, and if they dont you will be leaving the person who loves you for someone who doesn't even like you in that way.

What happens if you admit love to a girl that doesn't love you?

it"ll hurt...

How do you admit that you love him?

If you really love him then just say it but remember that love is a strong word.