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Are you kidding? Call the police. File a police report and complaint.

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Q: What do you do about a neighbor who is verbally and physically abusing you?
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How do I stop verbally abusing my spouse?

You can stop verbally abusing your spouse by appreciating her role in the family.

What is the meaning of negative discipline?

Negative discipline is continuously scolding your child or children excessively. Also beating your children/abusing them physically, mentally, and verbally.

How you are like your father and mother?

if you do not spend enough time nor have the time for your child/ren, you should be a parent.Parents can not abuse, verbally or physically a child/ren. there is a diff. between spanking and abusing yes. But avoid it as much as possible. you need to emotionally and physically care for youre child/ren.

What will a bully do to you?

They might physically, mentally and verbally hurt you.

How was demi bullied?

Demi Lovato was bullied physically and verbally

How can you prove to French authorities that your partner has been abusing you verbally and mentally?

record the abuse on video or audio

Is it illegal to verbally abuse a man?

No, it is not illegal to verbally abuse a man, but if the man was smart he would leave. Verbal abuse can leave just as many scars for a victim as physical abuse. There are programs for abused men that they should attend and learn tools in order to get out of the verbally abusive situation. Example: If a wife is verbally abusing her husband and he decides to divorce her and he can prove she is verbally abusing him then the court could press charges against her (highly unlikely) but you would be granted a divorce.

How does Mrs.joe treat pip?

Mrs. Joe treats Pip harshly, often scolding and abusing him both physically and verbally. She is strict and controlling, expecting him to obey her commands without question. Despite this mistreatment, Pip still cares for her and feels a sense of duty towards her.

How are the KKK abusing their first amendment right?

It is impossible to abuse the first amendment. It is a liberty given to us by our forefathers. However, to answer the question the KKK are openly racist against everyone. They have verbally harassed people all the time. Luckily, they don't have very much power anymore and everyone hates them. That is why they can only verbally harass people rather than physically. Things used to be scary

In what ways does Kate attack Bianca?

Verbally and in most productions physically as well.

Can parents get arrested for physically abusing each other?

Yes, two people beating each other up physically can get arrested.

What is the UK law on verbally abusing a minor?

Verbally abusing a child is considered 'emotional abuse' and can lead to criminal charges of child abuse towards the perpetrator. If you are concerned that a child is being abused, you can contact your local child safeguarding board, the NSPCC or the police. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, dial 999 without delay.