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The trachea is often called the windpipe. The trachea (windpipe) is the tube that connects your mouth and nose to your lungs. It goes on to divide into the two airways (the right bronchus and the left bronchus, together called bronchi), which supply air to each lung. The trachea is in the neck and lies in front of your oesophagus (gullet), which food passes down. The trachea is about 10-16cm (5-7in) long and is made up of rings of tough, fibrous tissue (cartilage). You can feel these if you touch the front of your neck.

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Can you replace a trachea?

Yes, a trachea can be replaced through a surgical procedure known as a tracheal transplantation or tracheal reconstruction. This procedure involves removing the damaged or diseased trachea and replacing it with a healthy trachea from a donor or using a synthetic graft. Tracheal replacement is a complex surgery and is typically reserved for severe cases where other treatments have failed.

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Tracheal rings in cats are in the form of a c shape. A cats tracheal rings are made up of multiple layers of cartilage.

Are the tracheal rings of the fetal pig complete or incomplete?

The tracheal rings of the fetal pig are complete, not incomplete circles. The tracheal rings help to keep the airways open.

Are the tracheal rings of the fetal pig complete or incomplete circles?

The tracheal rings of the fetal pig are complete, not incomplete circles. The tracheal rings help to keep the airways open.

What animals breathe by tracheal structure?

Insects breathe by tracheal structure. The reason insects breathe with their trachea is because they do not have lungs.

What is a trans-tracheal wash?


What does tracheal mean?

Having to do with the windpipe.

Opening into the trachea is called?

The inside of the trachea is called the tracheal wall, the rings tracheal rings. The inside of the trachea is called the tracheal wall, the rings tracheal rings. The inside of the trachea is called the tracheal wall, the rings tracheal rings.

How do weta breathe?

Weta breathe, like all insects, through the use of a tracheal system of gas exchange. The tracheal system is diffusion facilitated, with air entering via the tracheal spiracles, and diffusing into the body through a network of tracheae.