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Q: What do you call someone who donates money?
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What do you call an alumni that donates money to there school?


What do you call someone who donates blood?

A Blood donor

What do you call a person who does charitable acts?

If it is a rich person who donates money, it is called a philanthropist.

What is Someone who makes charitable donations called?

A philanthropist is a person that donates money to charities.

If someone donates 300000 to a church why would they refuse it?

Perhaps the money is from an illegal source or there are regulations on how the money should be spent.

Is Mitt Romney a philanderer?

No, he is not a philanderer (a man who has many casual sexual relationships) but he is a philantropist (someone who donates money for good causes).

What is another word for someone that donates?


What does Chris Brown do with all of his money?

he donates some of it to charity

Who donates more money to charity PGA or NFL?


Which age group donates the most money to charity?


What do you call someone who needs money?

Someone who needs money might be called destitute or impoverished

What do you call someone that watches out for your money?

a treasurer!