

What do you call a Buddhist attain nirvana?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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A buddah.

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Q: What do you call a Buddhist attain nirvana?
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What do Buddhist call the state of endless peace and joy?

The name for state of bliss in Buddhism is Nirvana.

How long does an untouchable take to reach nirvana during successive reincarnations?

Caste is a Hindu concept, not a Buddhist one. The fact that a person is considered untouchable according to Hinduism has no effect on how long it will take him/her to attain nibbana(nirvana) according to Buddhism.

Who is a nirvana attainer?

Enlightened Buddhist

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How do Buddhist describe nirvana?

Free from suffering

What is the most common Buddhist object?

The object of Buddhism is to escape the cycle of birth and death and to attain enlightenment and Nirvana. This can be done by realizing the intent of the Four Noble Truths and following the Eightfold Pah.

How would a Buddhist describe his or her ultimate goal to someone who is not Buddhist?

A Buddhist seeks to attain enlightenment. Enlightenment is the understanding of how to live life in a skillful fashion that ends desire and its associated pain. This is done by following the Eightfold Path. Once enlightened a Buddhist may, if he choses, enter Nirvana a state of existence without a sense of personal identity.

What does a Buddhist want to reach when he dies?

Generally Buddhists wish to attain enlightenment. Death after enlightenment is either permanent or not. They might then go onto Nirvana, a selfless (egoless) condition with no goals, or reject Nirvana and return to the cycle of death and rebirth to help others fin d enlightenment,

What is the ulimate religious goal of a Buddhist?

The ultimate goal of a Buddhist is the attainment of nirvana. Nirvana is a state of consciousness where things such as greed, hatred, and the obsession of "me and mine" do not exist.

How do you say nirvana in french?

"Nirvana." If you are using it in the formal Buddhist sense, you can capitalize it, otherwise lowercase it.

What was the Buddhist term for the end of suffering?

Enlightenment or Nirvana.

The Buddhist word for the release from pain and suffering?
