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Baleen, flat, flexible plates with frayed edges, arranged in two rows, looking like combs with thick hair at the end of each comb tooth. Baleen is not in fact composed of bone, but of the protein keratin, the same substance as hair, horns, scales, claws and nails. Baleen whales use these combs for filter-feeding.

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13y ago

Whale sharks have the same type of teeth as whales. These teeth filter the water so that the sharks can eat their diet of plankton and small fish.

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Q: What do whale sharks use to filter food from water?
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What does it mean to be a filter feeder?

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Why are whale sharks big?

Whale sharks, like baleen whales, are filter feeders. They filter food out of the sea water, which gives them a virtually limitless supply of food. They don't have to go chasing after their meals, they always have food to eat. Therefore they can grow quite large.

How far deep do whale sharks live?

Filter feeding whale sharks stay close to the surface, where their food is most abundant during daylight.

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Where do whale sharks get their energy from?

the food that they eat

Do whale sharks have to surface?

Whale Sharks are Sharks "big as a whale". They Breathe with gills and don't have to Surface. They often do though, b/c they find a lot of food Close to the Surface.

1.What special feature does a baleen whale have to let it eat the food it eat the food it wants?

Baleen Whales filter their food. They are filter feeders. They take in a lot of water and their baleen plates filter the food from the water.

Will a whale eat a shark?

All the whales usually eat the sharks as their normal food diet. They also even eat the killer whale or the orca.Not all whales eat sharks. Humpback whales (like all baleen whales) filter feed on tiny crustaceans (krill ), plankton, and small fish (including herring, mackerel,) from the water.

How do whale sharks feed?

Whale sharks open their mouths and suck in their food using a sucking power stronger than an average vacuum.

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So they can be food for whale sharks...

Which fish is a surface food eater in water bodies?

Rohu or (rohi) relies on phytoplankton when they have grown to adulthood. Whale sharks are also surface food eaters.

Can you swim with sharks without them eating you?

No. Whale sharks are baleen feeders, straining tiny creatures like krill from the water for food.