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small pointy bottom and round at the top

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Q: What do whale shark teeth look like?
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it dose not have teeth

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What does an whale shark look like?

It looks like a big blue shark. It has a lot of white spots and is a navy blue and has puny teeth.

Does a hedgehog have more teeth than a shark?

MOST DEFINATLY NOT!!!!!! If you look up pictures on google images of shark teeth, you'll see that they have, like, 4 rows of teeth!

When does a whale shark feels threaten?

becase you look at it

What type of teeth do hammerhead sharks have?

they have teeth sort of alike to a grey shark look up that shark yourself

What do Beluga whales teeth look like?

beluga whales do have teeth they have 34 teeth but they do not chew

What do dogfish look like?

Dogfish are a type of shark. They look like other sharks. They have a slender body with a large dorsal fin sticking out the top. They also have very sharp teeth.

What did Liopleurodon look like?

It was the largest predator ever weighing over 160 tons and up to 82.5 feet long Throw in a ten foot mouth and add a jawful '18' inch teeth and you've got the perfect killing machine.It would make the shark from "jaws" look like a goldfish.

What does a basking shark look like?

It's like a whale a little because they both open their huge mouths to eat plankton.

What does that shark on facebook look like?

It is hard to describe but here is how its made: (^^^) () for the head and ^^^ for the teeth once again (^^^) so try it!

What does the worlds biggest shark look like?

There are a great many deformed sharks in the world. Most of these sharks cannot be recognized as sharks and die because they cannot swim properly.