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Q: What do they call people who search caves?
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Maroo's family from "Maroo of the Winter Caves" call the seals they see "eskimos."

What do you call caves made by water?

Karst caves, and it is the majority of caves; formed by acidic ground-water dissolving the limestone.

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What are you called if you search caves?

Not quite sure what you had in mind but someone who searches for, and explores,caves is a Caver - as simple as that. The technical term for one who studies caves and their contents scientifically is "Speleologist".

How many people live in caves today?

about up to 20 million people live in caves

What do you call people who search for treasure in the ocean?

A ... ... ... Pearl Diver

What do you call people who search for gold or other valuable ore?

TReasure Hunters

Why did the Spain people move from the caves?

The majority of Spanish people have not lived in caves since the Neolithic Period. Presumably, they left the caves so that they could grow crops in the sunlight.

Did the stone age people live in caves?

Answerpeople of the stone age mostly lived in caves because they were nomadic people meaning they moved a lot. AnswerClearly some Stone Age people lived in caves, and we can show this by the presence of artifacts in the caves. On the other hand, there are very few caves in much of the world, and nomads tend not to live in caves, but in tents. So we can be pretty sure that some Stone Age people did not live in caves, also. There is a link below to an article on nomads.

What did people do in the hellfire caves in the past?

They made people dig the caves with their bare hands to get chalk and flint, which was used to make roads and to build houses. There was also a hellfire club in the caves.

Why are there caves under the town of valkenburg?

A quick search reveals they are not natural caves but former underground building-stone quarries that have been used for other purposes since.

What do you call people that search for treasure?

fourtey ninener Ex wife.