

What do spindle fibers and chromosomes form?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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make copies of cells - mitosis

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Q: What do spindle fibers and chromosomes form?
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Do spindle fibers form in plant cells undergoing mitosis?

In metaphase, spindle fibers grow and attach to chromosomes. In anaphase, they pull the chromosomes apart. In telephase, they disappear.

Fibers in the spindle that attach to the centromere of the chromosomes?

Fibers in the spindle that attach to the centromere of the chromosomes are called what?

What structure forms in prophase along which the chromosomes called?

The answer is Spindle Fibers.

What is the phase of mitosis if chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers?

Metaphase is when chromosomes attatch to spindle fibers in the phase of mitosis.

What is happening when chromosomes attach to spindle fibers?

That would be during metaphase in mitosis and the chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers because each half of the chromosomes need to migrate to the opposite poles. The spindle fibers are temporary but aid in the movement of the chromosomes.

Chromosomes move along these fibers?

Spindle fibers

Why is the structure responsible for the movement of chromosome during anophase?

The Centrosome. It forms Centrioles which form spindle fibers. Some of the spindle fibers attach to the Kinetochore located on the Centromere of chromosomes. The spindle fibers work in conjunction with motor proteins to facilitate disjunction.

What is spindle fibers pull the sister chromatids apart?

During anaphase I of meiosis the spindle fibers pull apart in homologous chromosomes. The spindle fibers are composed of micro-tubules. The spindle fibers continue to shorten during anaphase in order to bring the chromosomes at two poles.During anaphase I of meiosis the spindle fibers pull apart in homologous chromosomes. The spindle fibers are composed of micro-tubules. The spindle fibers continue to shorten during anaphase in order to bring the chromosomes at two poles.

To which part of the centromere do mitotic spindle fibers attach during prometaphase?

The centromeres of chromosomes attach to the spindle fibers during metaphase. The spindle fibers bring about the separation of sister chromosomes to the opposite poles. When spindle fibers do not attach to the centromeres, the doubling of chromosomes leads to polyploidy in the cell.

What attaches chromosomes together?


Cell structures made of individual microtube fibers that are involved in moving chromosomes during cell division are called?

spindle fibers

What forms spindle fibers?

I believe that they are formed by the Centrioles in the cell. These centrioles are found inside (encased) in the centrosomes. They combine microtubles and associated proteins (such as Aurora A) to strengthen the spindle fibers.