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Sapping means to dig a deep trenches in the ground and tunneling is a way in which data is transferred between two networks securely.


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Q: What do sapping and tunneling mean?
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Related questions

What do you mean by tunneling?


What do you mean by tunneling process?

it means tunneling process

What does sapping and tunneling mean in World War 1?

Sapping referred to the method of digging tunnels underground to undermine enemy lines or defensive positions during World War 1. It allowed troops to approach their targets unseen and launch surprise attacks. Tunneling, on the other hand, specifically referred to the practice of constructing tunnels by specialist tunneling companies for various purposes, such as mining beneath enemy positions to plant explosives. Both tactics were used by both sides to gain an advantage in trench warfare.

What do you mean by process?

it means tunneling process

What is sapping yields?

dig a deep trenches

When was Norwegian Tunneling Society created?

Norwegian Tunneling Society was created in 1963.

What is wave sapping?

Reducing the temperature of a heat-wave.

How large do you think the needle is in the scanning tunneling mircoscope?

Needle in the scanning tunneling microscope is about 10 nanometers.

How long do you stay in prison for sapping and the person dies?

for life

What is the meaning of morale -sapping scenario?

Your question isn't very clear; however, something Morale-sapping would be something that took the morale or "willingness" right out of you. For example: finding out that they were closing your business and you would shortly be out of a job would lower the morale of most all employees; therefore, it would be an example of a morale-sapping scenario.

Who invented the scanning tunneling microscope?

a scanning tunneling microscope measures electrons that leak, or 'tunnel', fromthe surface of specimen

What do sapping turtles eat?

Tiny bugs, worms, and little birds