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Most Wiccans believe there is a creative force in the universe but they do not seek to identify it. They do not recognize any deity resembling Satan. Most Wiccans share a respect for nature and concern for the environment.

  • They embrace gender equality and place great importance on female-male balance in their covens.
  • They accept homosexuality as part of the human condition.
  • They have different views on an afterlife but place great importance on what an individual does in this life and follow the Law of Return: "All good that a person does to another returns three fold in this life; harm is also returned three fold."
  • They do not seek to dominate, control or harm others.
  • Wiccans are strongly nature-based and try to hold their meeting out of doors where they gather in circles.

You can read more about these gentle people at the related link.

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13y ago

A follower of the religion, Wicca is called a Wiccan.

Wicca is a polythiestic religion, believing on a God and a Goddess. God and Goddess are two aspects of the nature.

Wiccans celebrate the cycles of nature. Wiccans hold religious observances on seasonal quarters, cross-quarters and Full-moons. Wiccans aspire to attune with the powers of nature, and connect with their Gods through these celebrations.

Wiccans acknowledge the magical power within every thing in nature. Human, being an intelligent creature, could make magic by controlling the will and mastering the power within.

Wiccans view sex as a sacred act of pleasure and perpetuation of species.

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11y ago

Some practice the piano, some practice their jump shots. Sorry. The question is too large to answer in a few paragraphs.

Wiccan practice is quite varied, and there is no Central Authority to establish the Right Way to do it (although there are traditions, and of course, there will always be fussy people)

In general, Wiccan ceremony honors the force of nature, typically manifested as Gods and Goddesses. Wiccan symbology usually touches on the Four Elements (Air, Water, Earth and Fire). Wiccan daily life should adhere to the Rede ("An it harm none, do as thou wilt").

Although it shouldn't be necessary to point out, Wiccans do NOT worship the Devil, nor take favors or powers from him. In the main, Wiccans no not even believe in the Devil.

Beyond that, it's pretty much an open field. Some Wiccans cast spells, some don't; some tell fortunes, some don't; some mix Wicca with other religions, others keep their Path "pure"; many have favorite spirits, others take the whole thing symbolically.

Hope this helps.

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12y ago

Answer 1

As far as I know, there are 2 main types of witches, those who worship Satan or the evil one and practice black arts and then there are white witches who believe in the power of mother nature and use nature to bring peace and healing. not what i would consider satanic as they worship the earths beauty, gods great creation.


Most people who follow Wicca (the name they prefer to use) do not believe in Satan. Mainstram Wiccans hold that Satan is a Christian creation, necessary to promote the false notion of a continuing battle between good and evil. Wiccans hold that Satanists are buying in to the whole idea of dualism, whewre good must battle with evil.

Wiccans hold to "white magic", though they never use the term, so the idea of "white witches", while well-meaning, misses the entire religious, ethical and philosophical foundations of Wicca.

There is *only* magic. Healing may relieve suffering, but what if that healing reduces the suffering, but prolongs it needlessly?

"White magic" aside, the above answer 1 is a good summation.

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13y ago

Wicca is a Neopagan religion and a form of modern witchcraft.

Wiccans honour the nature in its Male and Female perspectives, the God and the Goddess.

The moon represents the goddess and the feminine aspects of the nature. The sun represents the God and the masculine aspects of the nature.

Wiccans don't acknowledge any "root of all evil" being (devil in many religions). Wiccans acknowledge that death and decay as an integral part of the natural order as well as the evolution and continuous progression.

Wiccans celebrate the 13 full moons and 8 seasonal quarters and cross quarters as holy days of the nature.

For the religious practice of "ritual", Wiccans gather in circles, indoor or outdoor around an alter. The circle around the alter inside where the ritual takes place is considered as a sacred space, and everything that happen inside the circle should be kept secret.

Traditional Wicans organize in to Covans where each coven should be ideally apart a distance of a Covendom (3 miles approx.), and the Covenstead which is the center of the Covendom where the Wiccans gather for their ritual.

Wiccans are prohibited by Wiccan law to use their Magical Powers against other people to do harm, or to make shows of display of their Magic to other people. Secrecy of the magic is encouraged. There are numerous laws and rules of the old laws to abide in the Magical tradition of Wicca to protect the individual and the general public ("Cowans"). the modern day Wiccans abide by the Wiccan Rede (a poetic statement that provides the moral system of Wicca) which primarily says "An it harms none, do what ye will."

There is a Degree system of the Traditional Wicca, which starts with the Initiation. After the third degree, a Wiccan High priestess can start his own Coven and initiate Wiccans.

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12y ago

Salvation usually refers to the process of being damned by default and accepting Jesus as one's personal Lord and savior and then being welcomed into the Kingdom of Heaven after death. Wiccans do not believe that we need to be saved in a spiritual sense and have less specific views about what happens after death, just that one's soul can "move on" to some other plane of existence, though they sometimes refer to spirits that "stay behind". There are no specifics that are universally accepted by Wiccans, such as Christians' belief in which actions result in which locations in the afterlife. Personal accountability comes in this life for Wiccans, who believe that if you put out bad energy, bad energy will come back to you three-fold and vice versa for good energy. Wiccans are more concerned with harming none in this life and do not believe that we are born in a state that requires salvation. There is no need to be born again, confirmed, or saved in any way, in Wiccanism, just that one honor the Goddess and harm none.

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There is nothing called Dark Wicca. Wicca is a religion, it is neither Dark or Light.. There are mysteries in the craft of Wicca, and the unworthy would use it for dark purposes. That is why there is a degree system in Wicca, where the secrets are revealed only to the worthy. Wicca is about life and earth and magic. It is up to the individual to decide what they shall attain in their life time.

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