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Can cause eye problems such as a lack of night vision,tiredness and skin problems
vitamin A , just like any other vitamin it have no calories or in more nerdy way it cant provide enough ATP (basic unit or currency of energy in our body) BUT it is reffered to as vital for life because it is involved in countless biochemical reactions (as enzyme or cofactor or essential component ) which provide ATP and execute many functions .

vitamin a deficiency would most severely affect eye sight (night blindness) hair nails skin metabolic rate etc

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9y ago

A lack of Vitamin D can cause aches in your muscles and in your bones. You may also suffer from dizziness and general weakness.

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What are the disease that can happen if you don't eat enough Vitamin D?

Lack of vitamin D can cause Rickets in children. Rickets is the softening of bones. Vitamin D plays a part in bone health because it helps us absorb calcium Lack of vitamin D also puts you at risk of cardiovascular diseases. Lack of vitamin D has been linked to people with high blood pressure

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Which disease caused by lack of vitamin D can result in bent legs?

Rickets is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin D and calcium. It can cause weakness and softening of the bones, including bowleggedness.

Does a lack of vitamin C cause night blindness?

No, a lack of vitamin C does not cause night blindness, but it can cause scurvy. A lack of vitamin A causes night blindness.

How does the sun help people walk?

The sun is a source of vitamin D. A lack of vitamin D can cause softness of the bones, among other ailments. See Rickets and Osteoperosis.

Can lack of vitamin d cause scurvy?

No. Scurvy is caused by a lack of Vitamin C, which is found in high concentrations in citrus fruits.

Why do scientists say people should go outside?

One reason is that your body gets Vitamin D by exposure to the sun. Lack of Vitamin D can lead to Rickets, a vitamin deficiency which can cause your bones to deform.

Does a lack of vitamin D cause depression?

If your blood is running low on Vitamin D but is really high on another vitamin this could be the cause of depression. Try keeping your vitamins well balanced and make sure to keep up on Vitamin B as it will make you happier.