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Q: What disease can be with endocrine and high uric acid levels?
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Which disease raises uric acid level?

High uric acid levels can be caused by: * Primary hyperuricemia ** Your body increases production of uric acid from purine ** Your kidneys cannot get rid of the uric acid in your blood so the resultinglevels are high* Secondary hyperuricemia ** Certain cancers (or the associated chemotherapy agents)** Kidney disease - this may cause you to not be able excete the uric acid ** Medications - can cause increased levels of uric acid in the blood ** Endocrine or metabolic conditions such as diabetes or acidosis Aside: Elevated uric acid levels may produce:* kidney problems * gout

Is acid reflux disease in your stomach?

The acid reflux disease is caused by high acidity in your stomach and the back flow of it up into the esophagus. The tissue in your chest and throat is not used to the high levels of acid and get burnt causing issues such as heartburn and laryngitis.

What amino acid can increase coronary heart disease?

Homocysteine is an amino acid your body uses to make protein and to build and maintain tissue. But high levels of homocysteine may increase your risk of coronary artery disease.

Which symptoms are indicative of RTA?

RTA is suspected when a person has certain symptoms indicative of the disease or when routine tests show high blood acid levels and low blood potassium levels.

What causes high levels of uric acid in an animal?

High levels of uric acid in an animal could be caused by a number of issues. For example, there is a genetic defect in Dalmatians that causes them to have unhealthy levels of uric acid. If your animal has high levels of uric acid, you should consult your veterinarian, without question.

High levels of uric acid in blood may lead to rheumatoid arthritis?

No Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and the amount of uric acid in the blood does not affect this disease. High levels of uric acid in the blood can however lead to what is known as Gouty arthritis, which is the result of uric acid turning int fine sharp crystals that settle in joints and other parts of the body.

Can high levels of uric acid in the blood lead to rheumatoid arthritis?

No there is no connection between uric acid content in the blood and RA. Ra is an Autoimmune disease and high uric acid in the blood is not likely to have an effect on that. However ther is nothing that says that you cant suffer from both problems simultaneously.

What blood test indicates high uric acid?

"The ''uric acid test" is ordered if the doctor suspects high levels of uric acid''

Is heart attack a disease?

No, it's the effect of a disease. ( High blood pressure, high cholesterol levels...etc)

Which dry fruit should not be taken in uric acid?

High uric acid levels in the human body can lead to gout. If you have high uric acid levels, you should not eat dried fruits such as prunes, figs, or raisins.

What is the disadvantage of high uric acid?

So long as it does not develop into gouty arthritis it seems that people can live a healthy life with elevated uric acid levels. However people with elevated uric acid levels are also people that often tend to develop gouty arthritis.

What causes high levels of lactic acid in body?

Lactic acid is a byproduct of muscular over exertion.