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Answer: 0---- Explanation3.141592653589793238462643383279 Here are the first 30 digits and I see a 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 but no 0, so the answer is 0.
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Q: What digit is missing from the first 30 decimal places of pi?
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It is 9.

What is the difference between a decimal point and a decimal place?

The decimal point of a number separates the whole part of the number from the fractional part of the number. It is located between the units column and the tenths column of every number. A decimal place is one of the digits after the decimal point: The first decimal place is the first digit, which is the tenths digit The second decimal place is the second digit, which is the hundredths digit The third decimal place is the third digit, which is the thousandths digit etc. When showing or rounding to a number of decimal places there will be that number of digits after the decimal place. eg the number 5.671 has three decimal places as there are three digits after the decimal point and the second decimal place, for example, contains the digit 7.

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What digit is the tenth place in a decimal?

The first digit after the decimal point.

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To multiply by 10k move the decimal point k places to the right - if necessary add 0s after the last digit. To divide by 10k move the decimal point k places to the left - if necessary add 0s between the decimal point and the first digit.

In the first 30 digits of pi's decimal expansion one number is conspicuously missing which number is it?

It is the number 0 The number zero first appears at digit 32

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2.857Because the digit after the first 7 is less than 5, we round down.

What is 2.73762 to 2 decimal places?

In order to take a number to 2 decimal places, you first consider only the digits that are 2 decimal places in or greater. In this case that would be 2.73. The next step is to asses the thousandths digit. If it is 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9, we round up. Otherwise, we leave the number as it is. In this case, the digit is a 7, so we round up. Thus 2.73762 to 2 decimal places is 2.74

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Just compare the first decimal digit (the first digit after the decimal point), since the integer part is the same. If (as in this case) the first decimal digit is the same, you continue comparing the second decimal digit, etc.

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What is the symbol for a recurring decimal?

It is normally a dot over the decimal digit or over the first digit and last digit if there are more than one recurring digits.