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Q: What did the ghosts do to Scrooge in the book 'A Christmas Carol'?
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Which book is the quote 'A Christmas Carol' from?

The quote "A Christmas Carol" is actually the title of a book written by Charles Dickens. It is a classic novel that tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge and his transformation after being visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve.

What book does the character Scrooge appear in?

The character Scrooge appears in the novella "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Scrooge is a central character in the story, evolving from a miserly and selfish man to a generous and kind-hearted individual over the course of the narrative.

Who is the miserly hero of Charles Dickens book A Christmas carol?

The miserly hero of Charles Dickens' book "A Christmas Carol" is Ebenezer Scrooge. Throughout the story, Scrooge undergoes a transformation from a cold-hearted and selfish character to a kind and generous one after being visited by the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future.

What is first name of Scrooge in the book A Christmas Carol?

Ebenezer Scrooge

Who is the Christmas stingy old man?

The Christmas stingy old man could be referring to the character Ebenezer Scrooge from Charles Dickens' novel "A Christmas Carol." Scrooge is known for his miserly and selfish ways until he undergoes a transformation after being visited by ghosts on Christmas Eve.

Who throws a Christmas party in the book ''A Christmas Carol''?

In a Christmas Carol, Scrooge's nephew, Fred threw a Christmas party for his family and friends.

Is Scrooge real?

No - he's from the Charles Dicken's book "A Christmas Carol"

In 'A Christmas Carol' how long was Scrooge's journey?

The book begins on Christmas Eve. Scrooge thinks the journey lasts three nights, (as each of the ghosts come when the clock strikes one) but at the end of the book he realizes that the whole experience took place in one night as he wakes the next morning on Christmas Day.

What is the eponym of Scrooge?

That would be Enenezer Scrooge, the main character in Charles Dickens' book "A Christmas Carol".

Who wrote A Christmas Carol by ebenzer Scrooge?

Charles Dickens wrote "A Christmas Carol," and it was first published in 1843. The novella tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old man who undergoes a transformation after being visited by three spirits on Christmas Eve.

Can you give info on Scrooge?

Scrooge is a fictional character created by Charles Dickens in his novel "A Christmas Carol." He is a wealthy but miserly and cold-hearted businessman who undergoes a transformation after being visited by three ghosts on Christmas Eve. The story follows Scrooge's journey towards redemption and rediscovering the true spirit of Christmas.

What was the name of the miser in A Christmas Carol?

The miser in "A Christmas Carol" is named Ebenezer Scrooge.