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It was all forest and water

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Q: How did the earths surface looked like in the during the era of the dinosaurs?
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During the Tertiary Period, the surface of the earth looked much like it does today. It was quite warm with periods of cold much like today.

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During the Mesozoic era, dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and large marine reptiles diversified. Early mammals evolved. Eventually, flowering plants evolved. At the end, dinosaurs died out, leaving mammals to fill the many empty niches.

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What did earth's surface look like then during the Cambrian period?

it looked hot and spicy

What did birds look like when dinosaurs ruled earth?

Birds looked like cockroaches when dinosaurs ruled the earth.

What are some fined dinosaurs?

All dinosaurs were terrestrial. Therefor, there are no finned dinosaurs. However, there were finned reptiles that looked a lot like fish or dolphins, and they were called icthyosaurs.

Are there any fossils in Greece?

During the times of the dinosaurs, Greece did not exist. The lands looked extremely different to how they do today. Dinosaurs dominated every single continent on the globe, so, yes, dinosaurs did live in what is nowadays recognised as Greece.

Why most dinosaurs eat plants?

Because there wasn't much else to eat. Additionally most plants looked appealing to dinosaurs.

What did great dinosaur look like?

Dinosaurs looked like sh*t

Could there be aliens familiar to dinosaurs on other planets?

Yes, there was recently discovered forms of ancient life on mars that looked like dinosaurs