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The zero was invented in northern India and passed on to Europe by Arabs.

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Q: What did the Arabs have to do with the invention of the number zero?
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Why do we have a number zero?

For positional place value purposes. Consider this! The Ancient Romans didn't have a zero. It was a Greek invention which was taken up by the Arabs and is how we got the number zero today.

When was Indian number system created?

Long ago, but the invention of Zero about 200 bc is considered a crowning and vital moment. Our common number system is based on this and the further work of the Arabs.

Did Egyptians have a number zero?

The ancient Egyptians did not have a number zero. The Mayans knew the number zero and the Indians also knew (independent from another). The Indians passed it on to the Arabs and the Arabs brought it to the Mediterranean and later all of Europe.

What did Arabs carry from India to Europe?

Some mathematics and the number zero.

What did the Arabs give us?

They gave us Arabic numerals including the zero, and they took the Chinese invention of gunpowder and used it to make the world's first firearms. Also, sherbet was invented by the Arabs.

Who discover decimals number?

The Arabs. Roman mathematics suffered from lack of a zero. They could not do multiplication or division.

Invention of zero?


Why do you call the number 0 a zero?

Zero is a placeholder. The Ancient Chinese used it, the ancient Egyptians used it, ancient India and the Arabs used it. The word came into English from Italian zero.

What incas invention helped with counting?

It was the invention and usage of a zero symbol

Who is the first invention of zero?


What are some inventions from India?

invention the Indians invented is the number zero. seems like we dont really need it but it can be important

What basic concepts of algebra were developed by Arabs?

The inventions of the zero and the logarithms.