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President Harding signed a bill that raised protective tariff rates in an attempt to help American businesses.

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Q: What did president harding do to help American businesses?
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What did President Harding do to help business?

President Harding signed into law a bill that increased protective tariff rates in order to help American businesses. Warren G. Harding was the 29th U.S. President.

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President Warren Harding was the first American president to be elected with the support of female voters. The election was in 1920. Harding was the Republican representative in the presidential election for that term.

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Help American industries grow.

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He believed that by helping businesses , he was also helping individuals. [apex]

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Why did President Hoover help businesses rather than individuals?

Hoover believed that by helping businesses, he was also helping individuals.

Who help American industry and help the north?

During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party supported American industry and the North by implementing protectionist policies, such as tariffs, to help domestic businesses thrive and grow. Lincoln also issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which helped weaken the Southern economy by freeing slaves who were a crucial labor force for Southern industry.

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Loans of businesses

What types of federal aid did president Herbert Hoover offer?

President Hoover was looking for ways to help the country out of the Great Depression. He offered federal aid to banks and businesses hoping this in turn would help the citizens.

What types of federal aid did President Herbert Hoover offer in order to help those affected by the Great Depression?

loans for businesses