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Q: What did early egyptians use to record there histories that starts with an s?
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What is the early tomb for wealthy egyptians?

A Pyramid.

What did the Egyptians do with papyrus?

Ancient Egyptians wrote on papyrus.It was A early form of paper.They wrote with sharp objects.

Who were the early people to live in Egypt?

the ancient Egyptians

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Why might the ruins of early Egyptians settlements lack of evidence of protective walls?

because Egyptians had natural barriers

What advantages did Egypt's location provide for early Egyptians?

For early egyptians their land provided them with good soil to grow crops, the nile gave them the silt and they were pretty good traders

What advantages did Egypts location provide early egyptians?

For early egyptians their land provided them with good soil to grow crops, the nile gave them the silt and they were pretty good traders

What early civilization is know for their alphabet?

Both the Phoenicians and the Egyptians.

What was the the key to unlocking the Egyptians' early writing?

The Rosetta Stone