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Mennonites do not have rules against using technology like the Amish so Mennonites use all the same tools every other type of farmer in their area would use.

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Q: What did the Mennonites introduce to the American farmers?
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What are the distinguishing theological positions of Mennonites?

Most people think Mennonites wear bonnets, long skirts and are farmers. That stereotype often does not apply. There are many urban Mennonites who are radical social justice types, who work for racial reconciliation and protest wars and violence. Mennonites emerged from the Anabaptist tradition in the 16th century. Their distinguishing theological positions are pacifism and adult baptism and have been persecuted by other Christians for their beliefs over the centuries.

Immigrants came well-prepared Mennonite farmers who settled in Kansas and who settled in Wisconsin brought wheat strains that flourished in the American Midwest?

Norwegian immigrants settled in Kansas and Wisconsin and brought wheat strains that flourished in the American Midwest.

Are Amish and Mennonites American Citizen's and do they vote and pay taxes?

Yes, they are American citizens. Yes, they vote. Yes, they pay taxes.

What percentage of American colonists were farmers?

95% Were farmers :)

Where do mennonites eat?

The same places non mennonites eat.

Are Mennonites permitted to use generators for electricity?

Yes mennonites can. They are not Amish.

What two religious groups openly condemn slavery in the American colonies?

The Quakers and the Mennonites were two religious groups that openly condemned slavery in the American colonies.

What do Mennonites drive?

It depends old order mennonites use horse and buggy. Conservative mennonites drive cars and vans but they have to be non flashy colors like grays and dark blues.

Do mennonites of Belize have an education?

Yes, good basic education is important to Mennonites.

Where did mennonites first settle?

The Mennonites first settled in the state of Pennsylvania. The Mennonites who first migrated over to the United States were primarily of German ancestry.

Do Mennonites practice polygamy?

Answer: Since Mennonites follow the teachings of the Christian scriptures, the Bible, they have only one wife, for life.

Where did Mennonites originally come from?

The mennonites originated from Europe because a catholic priest actually read the bible. the priests' name was Menno Simons and he joined the anabaptists, which were later called mennonites. They were renamed Mennonites because they followed Menno's beliefs.