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In Mathew's Gospel, Jesus met the women, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary, and told them to send the disciples to Galilee where he would meet them. Jesus later met the disciples at a mountain in Galilee, where he told the disciples to go to all the nations, baptising and teaching the gospel.

Mark's Gospel, being the first gospel to be written, originally ended at verse 16:8 with the young man telling the women that Jesus was risen and they fled in terror, telling no one. There was no appearance of the risen Jesus, and the resurrection and ascension to heaven appear to have been the same event. To maintain a degree of harmony with the other gospels, the 'Long Ending' (verses 16:9-20) was added much later, saying that Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, then in another form to the "two of them" (either the two women of Matthew or the two men of Luke), then to the eleven at a meal, where he commanded the disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Jesus was then taken up bodily into heaven.

In Luke's Gospel, Jesus first met the two men on the road to Emmaeus, but they did not recognise him until he broke bread with them. Later that evening he met the eleven disciples at a meal in Jerusalem and took them on the road to Bethany, where he blessed them and was carried bodily up into heaven.

In John's Gospel, the first person Jesus met was Mary Magdalene, alone by the sepulchre, but she thought he was the gardener. That evening he appeared to ten of the disciples, excluding Thomas, at a meal in Jerusalem, then eight days later he appeared to all eleven disciples at a meal in the same room. Jesus' final appearance was to the disciples by the Sea of Galilee.

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14y ago

While Jesus' body was in the grave, his spirit was in heaven. Luke 23:43 reads, "And [Jesus] said to [the criminal], "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise." (NASB) The word "today" implies that Jesus was going to be in Paradise that very day, directly after his death.

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10y ago

Contrary to popular belief and teaching by most of the world's religions... The Bible reveals that:

"...the dead know nothing..." (Eccle.9:5 NLT New Living Translation)

And: "...when YOU GO TO THE GRAVE [the tomb was a grave], there will be no work or planning or knowledge or wisdom." (verse 10)

So, the place Jesus went is the place where He was hastily taken and laid out by Joseph and Nicodemus -- THE TOMB. And there He lay for three days and three nights, according to the scriptures [I Cor.15:3-4] -- unconscious, unknowing, devoid of plans, knowledge or wisdom.

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7y ago

Simply put, the Bible says that the dead are in the grave, awaiting the resurrection. (John 5:28, 29) They are not suffering or in any kind of pain, for "the dead know nothing at all." (Ecclesiastes 9:5) In his teachings, Jesus likened death to a deep sleep. (John 11:11-14) Thus, we have no need to fear those who have fallen asleep in death or to appease them by making offerings to them. They can neither help nor harm us, because "there is no work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave." (Ecclesiastes 9:10) By means of the resurrection, however, God will do away with death forever.-1 Corinthians 15:26, 55; Revelation 21:4. For more information on this subject please visit jworg.

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14y ago

Jesus was in the grave for three days on the third day he arose from the dead.

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13y ago

The only thing we know is that on the third day, God resurrected Jesus from the dead.

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While Jesus' body was in the grave, his spirit was in heaven. Luke 23:43 reads, "And [Jesus] said to [the criminal], "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise." (NASB) The word "today" implies that Jesus was going to be in Paradise that very day, directly after his death.

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It is a reference to the three days Jesus was in the family "grave", a cave with the family members who had died and been prepared with herbs, spices and other fluids to protect the body. The three days had been prophesied in the book of Jonah (similar to the three days in the Belly of The Whale) and Jesus himself made the prophecy (and promise) that he would rise from the dead after he was killed.

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In Acts the second chapter, verses 30 and 31. Some translate this as Jesus was in Hell. This corresponds to a prophecy in Psalms 16:10 that King David was inspired to write. The fact that Jesus was in Sheol or Hell for 3 days shows that it would correspond to the common grave and not a place a torment.

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The devil has no power over mankind, and the God family in particular, unless the Father grants it to him (read Book of Job for fuller picture). The term hell you seem to be referring to is simply the grave (pit). Jesus Himself, said He would be 3 days and 3 nights in the grave (like Jonah in the great fish). After these 72 hours, Jesus arose and ascended into Heaven as only He could (John 3:13) and presented Himself to the Father as our 'Wave Sheath' offering for the sins of the World. The Father accepted it and Jesus returned to Earth for 40 more days before ascending again into Heaven until the time of His 2nd Coming in the future.