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The Cratchet family was preparing a Christmas goose, but Scrooge had the large turkey at the market delivered to them.

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Q: What did the cratchits eat for Christmas dinner in a christma carol?
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The Cratchits' Christmas Dinner was written what year?

The story was called A Christmas Carol and it was written in 1843.

Who does Scrooge send the Christmas turkey to in A Christmas Carol?

He sends it to the Cratchits.

How many drinking glasses do the cratchits own in a Christmas Carol?

The Cratchits own only two drinking glasses in the story "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens.

What did the cratchits put on the fire the Christmas carlol?

The Cratchits put a pot of boiling water on the fire to make a special Christmas pudding during the Christmas carol.

What will Scrooge do with the turkey in a Christmas Carol?

He purchases it and sends it to Bob Cratchits home on Christmas Morning

How do you know the Cratchits are poor?

The Cratchits are depicted as poor in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" through various descriptions in the story, such as living in a small and run-down house, eating a modest Christmas dinner, and having a father who works hard for a low wage. These details show their financial struggle and hardship.

What are the Crachits?

The Cratchits are a fictional family in Charles Dickens' novella "A Christmas Carol." They are a humble and loving family, consisting of Bob Cratchit, his wife, and their children, including the youngest son, Tiny Tim. The Cratchits are used to portray the struggles of the lower class during Victorian England.

What did the cratchits do for entertainment A Christmas Carol x?

The Cratchits gathered around the fireplace, played games, and told stories to entertain themselves in "A Christmas Carol." They found joy in spending time together as a family despite their humble circumstances.

What traditions began after A Christmas Carol was published?

The purchasing of a turkey as the main meat for the Christmas Dinner,

What was the second place they visited the Christmas carol?

The second place visited in "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens is the home of Bob Cratchit, where the Cratchit family is celebrating Christmas dinner despite their meager means. This scene emphasizes themes of generosity, family, and the spirit of Christmas.

What did the cratchits do on Christmas day in A Christmas Carol?

The Cratchits enjoyed a festive meal of roast goose, followed by Christmas pudding. They shared joyful moments as a family, despite their financial struggles, and expressed gratitude for what they had. Tiny Tim blessed the family with his optimistic spirit, embodying the true meaning of Christmas for them.

A Christmas Carol Describe bob cratchits home children and dinner?

Bob Cratchit's home in "A Christmas Carol" is depicted as humble and small, with a meager fire to keep warm. The Cratchit children, including Tiny Tim, are described as cheerful despite their impoverished surroundings. Their Christmas dinner consists of a meager goose and pudding, but they are grateful for what they have and celebrate the holiday with love and joy.