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None at the moment. All countries have moved on to stages two (early industrial) or three (mature industrial) at this point.

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Q: What countries are in stage 1 of dtm?
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How many stages in sensorimotor intelligence?

6. Stage 1. Reflex action. Stage 2. Coordination of reflexes & sensorimotor repetition (primary circular reaction - feedback). Stage 3. Activities to make interesting events in the environment reappear (secondary circular reaction). Stage 4. Means/ends behavior & search for absent objects. (starts to understand object permanence) Stage 5. Experimental search for new means (tertiary circular reaction) (little scientist) Stage 6. Use of imagery in insightful invention of new means & in recall of absent objects & events. (deferred imitation - full object permanence)

What stage of rostow models in haiti?

Stage 3 i would say as it reached stage 3 until the earthquake where it went back down

What two countries borrowed money from US in World War 1?

France and BritainFrance and Britain

Would you evaluate the attendant benefits of trading blocs?

It's disadvantages are:1. Non member countries of the trade bloc will be ostracised since trade blocs are created to help only their member countries reduce trade barriers.2. Member countries will only look out for each other and ignoring the non-member countries.3. relaxed borders between member countries mean more illegal immigrants manage to get through.Its advantages are:1. faster way to remove trade and investment barriers within trade blocs2. increasing interdependency of neighbouring countries on one another.3. greater weight and voice on world's political and economic stage when represented as a group.4.Wider range of goods available..5. Makes movement of money and goods easier.

What are developed and less developed countries?

Developed countries are those that have diverse, robust, and well established economies with substantial physical infrastructure and support system such as educations and health care. They are generally wealthy compared to the less developed countries. Less developed countries tend to have less diverse and robust economies and spotty or thin physical infrastructure supporting economic activity. Their education and health care systems are not not broadly deployed, not widely available, or of low quality. They tend to be less wealthy than developed countries, and often have a larger gap between rich and poor.