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A person could always help a deaf or blind person who may be struggling in public. Businesses can also be more aware of disabilities and provide more TTY services and large-print services.

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Q: What could you do to help deaf and blind people?
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How can you help blind and deaf people?


Did Helen Keller create afb?

no but she joined so she could help the blind and deaf

What were Helen Keller's lectures about?

they were about how we can help the blind and deaf

How could a dog help you?

Depending on what type of dog it is, it could generally be useful for companionship or for use as a guard dog. Other reasons people get dogs is because they are blind or deaf and need a dog to help them get along their daily routine.

Did Helen Keller do any charities events for blind or deaf people?

Yes, Helen Keller dedicated her life to advocating for people with visual and hearing impairments. She raised funds for the American Foundation for the Blind and participated in various charitable events to support blind and deaf individuals.

Are herbivores blind and deaf?

No, herbivores are not blind or deaf. Herbivores have senses like sight and hearing that help them navigate their environment, find food, and avoid predators.

When did Helen Keller become known as the blind and deaf activist?

Helen Keller became known as a blind and deaf activist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly after she learned to communicate through sign language and braille with the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan. She devoted her life to advocating for the rights and empowerment of people with disabilities.

She wrote some books for the deaf and blind even she is deaf and blind?

Helen Keller, who was deaf and blind, wrote several books advocating for the rights and education of people with disabilities. Her most famous work is "The Story of My Life," which details her experiences overcoming her disabilities with the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan. Keller's writings continue to inspire and empower those with disabilities worldwide.

Is it worth living if you are deaf and blind?

Yes, it is still worth living even if you are deaf and blind. Many resources and technologies exist to help individuals who are deafblind to communicate, learn, and navigate the world. People with such conditions can still have meaningful relationships, pursue their interests, and contribute to society.

What colour are deaf blind and deaf and blind sticks?

Deafblind canes are typically white with a red tip, contrasting with regular white canes for the visually impaired. Deaf or hard of hearing individuals do not typically use canes. Nevertheless, for individuals who are both deaf and blind, the cane might have features to help with communication or navigation, such as a vibration or feedback system instead of color.

How to tell a deaf and blind man that his wife passed away?

Answer:He can just tell it, as he is only deaf and not dumb.the answer to the question is that they'av got to kill his blind friend so he can see her in heaven.

How science and technology help a deaf man?

science is constantly discovering new ways to help to blind elderly disabled and deaf. currently you can get a medium sized device that loud'ens sounds