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Mn2O7is more acidic.

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Q: What compound is more acidic Mn2O7 or MnO2?
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What is the name for Mn2O7?

The name for Mn2O7 is manganese heptoxide. This is more commonly written as manganese(VII) oxide. This is an inorganic compound that forms a volatile liquid.

What is an acidic compound?

A compound in chemistry is when there are two or more elements bonded together that can be separated to become different substances. A strong acidic compound would be HCl (Hydrochloric Acid). A weak acidic compound would be H2CO3, (Carbonic Acid). A strong acid is one which is virtually 100% ionised in solution. A weak acid is one that does not ionise fully when it is dissolved in water.

What is the name of the compound MnO2?

MnO2 is Manganese (IV) Oxide. It is also known as manganese dioxide, manganese oxide or as the naturally occurring mineral pyrolusite. Please see the related links below.

HCLO and HCL what more acidic?

HClO pKa = 7.497 HCl pKa = -8.000HCl is a far stronger acid.For future reference: type the name of the compound into wikipedia and look down the right hand side to find it's pKa value. Do the same for your second compound.The lowest pKa is the more acidic compound.

How do you add more Hydrogen ion to soil?

I would imagine by the addition of a suitable acidic compound designed for this purpose.

What is the pH level of capsaicin?

It is more an alkaline compound (by the amide group) than an acidic (by the phenolic -OH group).

Is 1-hexanol more acidic or less acidic than phenol?

1-hexanol is an alcohol so it is a neutral compound not an acid while phenol is a strong acid.

What more acidic of two solutions has?

The more acidic of two acidic solutions has more H+ ions per liter.

What is the formula unit for H3O?

The simple answer is that the formula unit of H3O+ isH3O+.H3O+ is a polyatomic ion (called hydronium and formed from water in an acidic solution; the more H3O+, the more acidic the solution). Formula unit is the simplest ratio of atoms in a chemical compound that still gives the same compound. You can't make the formula any simpler than H3O+ and still have a hydronium ion.

What is more acidic ph of 1 or 8?

whith PH, lower numbers are more acidic. so 1 is more acidic than 8.

What is more acidic lemon juice or acid rain?

Lemon Juice is more acidic.

What is the name for aqueous HCLO4?

This compound, HCLO4, is perchloric acid.