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red white blue

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Q: What colors does the flag of the Dominican Republic have?
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What year was the Dominican Republic flag adopted?

The Dominican Republic Flag was adopted on November 6,1844

What is the only national flag that has the bible within its flag?

The flag of the Dominican Republic.

What are the Dominican Republic's national colors?

The Dominican Republic colors are Red, White and Blue.

Who created the Dominican Republic flag?

As per Maria Milanes and Venecia Velez it was Maria Concepcion Bona who created the first Doninican Republic Flag in 1824

What are the colors on the dominican republic flag?

The main colours are red, white and blue. However, the crest in the centre also includes the colours green, yellow and brown.

Which was the only country in the world which sports the bible on it's national flag?

It is the flag of the Dominican republic.

What color is Dominican Republic?

you mean the flag ? well the flag is mainly red,white,and blue and in the middle of the flag there is a bible with words reading across from it , a little bit of yellow green and brown but the main colors are red white and blue !

Which flag has a scripture verse written on it?

Then only country who's flag has a picture of the Bible is the Dominican Republic.

Which country has a Bible on its flag?

The Dominican Republic flag is quartered with a white cross. It is blue in the upper left and lower right and red in the lower left and upper right. In the center of the white cross, it has an open Bible and a gold cross as part of its detailed coat of arms. In Spanish, beneath the Bible are the words "God, Fatherland, Liberty".

What are the colors on the Domician Republic flag?


Santo domingo is the capitol of what country?

Republica Domincana or in English "The Dominican Republic".

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