

What color is a snowshoe rabbit in winter?

Updated: 3/9/2021
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Q: What color is a snowshoe rabbit in winter?
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Related questions

Does snowshoe rabbit change color?

soft brown in summer to mostly white in winter.

What rabbits do in the winter?

usually they stay in their bedding box. they will keep warm in there.

What color is a snowshoe hare's fur in the winter?

They are brown to grey in the summer to white in the winter.

Why is the snowshoe rabbit able to live in the taiga?

The snowshoe rabbit blends in with the snow to avoid predators during winter. The large feet help it walk on the snow and the fur protects the feet from freezing. In summer, the snowshoe hare turns brown to blend in with the trees and bushes.

What is the scientific name for a winter rabbit?

There's no animal known as the "winter rabbit." There are many species of rabbit and each species has its own scientific name. This question may be asking about the Snowshoe Hare, which has the scientific name of Lepus americanus.

What is the name for a tundra rabbit?

Snowshoe Rabbit.

What color do the rabbits fur change in summer to winter?

The snowshoe hare changes its fur to white in the winter, and back to brown (with a white underbelly in the summer. If it is an outdoor rabbit, it can get sunburn, if it's black, its fur will turn a brown color, it isn't really dangerous, but make sure they have shade, and the color will become normal again after she/he gets their winter coat

What color is a rabbit when it is in winter?


What is the disadvantage of snowshoe hare having brown fur?

Snowshoe hares change color with the season. They turn brown in the summer and white in the winter. The color change helps to camouflage the hare all year round. If it should snow before the rabbit turns white, the brown coat would make them stand out against the white snow.

What is the diet of a rabbit?

an snowshoe rabbit's diet is plants

How do snowshoe hares and Arctic foxes camouflage?

Their coats change color to blend with the dominant color of the season- white in winter.

What is the snowshoe hares nickname?

The snowshoe hare or rabbit has been given the nickname or alternate name of the varying hare. The hare is brown during the summer and morphs its coat to white for the winter.