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Q: What colonial experience might have influenced the framers idea of duties for the executive branch?
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What ideas influenced the framers?

they had bigg butts

What influenced the Framers in developing the constitution?

Bill of Rights

Who directly influenced the Framers in the development of the constitution?


What was the different political writings that influenced the framers?

There were several different political writings that influenced the Framers. These writing were from enlightment thinkers. Some of those works include, The Spirit of Laws, and the works of John Locke.

Which philosopher most influenced the framers in the area of no cruel or unusual punishment?


What eighteenth-century movement that influenced the framers of the Constitution?

It was called the age of the Enlightenment.

What did the pilgrims did that later influenced the framers of the constitution?

They wrote and signed the Mayflower Compact.

What did the framers give congress to protect liberty and specify its powers?

executive power

What is the different political writings that influenced the framers?

The different political writings that influenced the framers were Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England, Montesquieu's The Spirit of the Laws, Rousseau's Social Contract, and Lock's Two Treaties of Government.

What views did the framers hold about the power of the presidency?

The Framers didn't have differing views on Presidential power; instead, they believed the Executive branch should be "checked."

What different views did the framers hold about powers of the presidency?

The Framers didn't have differing views on Presidential power; instead, they believed the Executive branch should be "checked."

Why would the framers want Congress to be more powerful then the executive branch?

Little of the check and balance system that protected the British citizens in Britain itself extended to the colonies. Not wanting to exchange an authoritarian abroad for one at home, the framers wanted to avoid a government where the executive could rise to that same level of power.