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The scene begins with Polonius hiring someone to find out if his son has been up to no good while he's been abroad. The scene is meant to be funny, poking fun at an overly concerned father. Polonius is a little manic and absent minded and he lends a lighthearted tone to the first half of the scene. When Ophelia enters onstage, however, the mood changes. She is clearly disturbed as she tells her father about how Hamlet came into her room looking disheveled and started acting crazy. He says that he will put on an "antic disposition" in the scene before, and here we get to see the first example of that. This begins the intrigue and manipulation that carries on throughout the play, resulting in the death of almost every major character.

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It starts out nervous and expectant. Then the thing they are nervous about and are expecting to happen actually does happen, and they are frightened, panicky and excited. It stops, they calm down and then it happens again, and they are all excited and frightened again.

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We need more information to answer this. What play? What act?

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Q: What change of mood occurs with scene 1 act 2 hamlet?
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How would you describe the mood of scene 4 act 1 in hamlet?

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What does hamlet ask his mother to do in scene 4?

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