

What category of drugs are not drugs but poisons?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Your question implies that the qualities of being a drug and being a poison are mutually exclusive. Drugs are substances which alter normal bodily function; poisons are those that can cause disturbances to organisms. Thus, many drugs (alcohol and nicotine being excellent examples) are also poisons, but the fact that they are poisons does not mean they are not drugs.

There is no category specific category of drug that is a poison instead of a drug because all drugs are poison; both those chemically produced and those that are plant based. However, in my opinion, Meth, which is a category B drug, is manufactured almost exclusively of poisons. Take out the ephedra based product, which is essentially a poison anyway, and what is left but chemically induced poisons not intended for human consumption.

I know many people that use Meth as a weight loss aid ONLY because the FDA took ephedra off the US market. Shame on the US FDA and chemists.

Oh but the state of Ca will give tremendously obese individuals a MMC for pain reduction and them blame them for being overweight. And then not give their insurance companies the go ahead for GastericBypass surgery which could save their lives.

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Q: What category of drugs are not drugs but poisons?
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