

What can you throw away that is not paper?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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You can throw anything away if you wish to.

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Q: What can you throw away that is not paper?
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Where should you throw it after chewing the gum?

wrap it in paper and throw it away in the trash can

What happens to paper when it is thrown away?

it is not good to throw away paper. recycle it.

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What happens when you throw paper away?

When you throw paper away, it usually ends up in a landfill where it can take years to decompose. This contributes to environmental pollution and waste accumulation. Recycling paper is a more sustainable option as it conserves resources and reduces the amount of waste going to landfills.

What is the first thing to do when clearing a paper jam?

throw that sh?t away

What happens to all the trash you throw away?

it get hauled away in a truck to the landfill

What is the chocolate you eat and it makes a rattling noise?

.It is the paper that is rattling.the people that got finished with it they might were about to throw the paper away.

How many paper bags do Americans throw away?

about 98% of americans. or 1,233,000 americans.

Can you wipe off fingerprints from paper?

You can't wipe off fingerprints from paper because it has the oil from your hands soaked into the paper. The only way to get rid of them is to throw the paper away.

What discard mean?

Discard means- to throw away or reject.

Why is there a paper wrapper on the outside of an aluminium wrapper?

so that when your done with your gum you can then stick it in the wrapper then throw the wapper away. :)

How many paper do Americans throw away in a year?

I know this fact... Enough paper and wood is discarded to heat 5 million homes, hoped that helped.