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Schedules DONT WORK.

Feed your baby when it is hungry, not when you feel it should feed, breastmilk works on a supply and demand system.

Every feed, signals the body to make milk, so the longer you space between feedings, the less milk you make.

nurse, nurse, nurse! If you are "supplementing feedings" your supply is going to not be as good as it should be! Make sure to keep up a good breastfeeding or pumping schedule.

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14y ago
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14y ago

A woman's breast milk supply rises and falls in direct proportion to the stimulation she receives from her child's suckling. If the mother needs to produce more milk, then she should make sure her diet is balanced and is taking in enough fluids and then put the baby to her breast as often as possible and can then add additional stimulation in the form of a breast pump to help encourage more milk production.

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12y ago

to gentily cuddle the cleavage and to get someone to lick the nipple that way it gets the milk running


To increase your breastmilk, breastfeed and/or pump often. Don't not go longer than 3 hours without pumping or breastfeeding. It's the only way to increase low breast milk supply and maintain it. Also seriously consider drinking something like Breastea. You can order it online from the website with the same name. It contains herbs that lactation consultants recommend to increase breast milk production. Drink it daily.

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13y ago

If a woman wants to maintain her milk supply she only needs to keep using them. Breast milk production is dependent primarily on receiving the needed stimulation. With regular suckling or use of a breast pump any woman should be able keep up her milk as long as she wants.

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12y ago

Nurse, nurse, nurse! It is all about supply and demand, the more baby nurses, the more your body will make. If you think your supply is low, just nurse more. Babies get fussy a lot, it does not indicate that you are not making enough milk. So long as babe is having lots of wet diapers, then you are making enough. If you supplement with formula, you can damage your milk supply. Look into taking fenugreek and blessed thistle, they are all natural and healthy for babe and mom. Also, oatmeal seems to increase supply. Peppermint can be a big sabotage to supply as well, so it is best to avoid it.

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14y ago

Simple. If you want to have more milk, let your baby suck more.

Breast milk is on a supply-and-demand basis. The breasts produce more milk when the baby asks for more milk.

Every few weeks, a baby will go through a growth spurt, and he will want the breast more often. This can shake a mother's confidence and make her worry that she hasn't got enough milk.

What will make her milk less is if she panics and 'tops up' her baby's feed with a bottle or with some baby porridge. The baby will then demand less milk from the breast so the breast will supply less. Then mother again thinks baby is hungry and she hasn't got enough milk so she puts more in the bottle or gives baby food on a spoon. Its a vicious circle and one that can upset new mothers a lot.

All you have to remember is to feed when your baby asks. This has been done for millions of years, and if mothers really didn't produce enough milk, the human race would have died out long ago. How ever did Cave Woman manage without bottles?

Remember too that what goes in must come out. If your baby has 6 or more wet nappies in 24 hours, he is getting all he needs.

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14y ago

Demand more. Pump or nurse more frequently. Consider taking a galacotogogue (milk stimulating herb. Drink lots of water. Take prenatal vitamins. Get plenty of rest.

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15y ago

As long as you maintain a healthy and balanced diet, stay off smokes, alcohol and other substance I'm sure you've been warned about, breast milk really shouldn't need "improving".

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11y ago

To boost your milk supply, one should take clams soup, malunggay soup, drink 32 oz of milk and frequent feeding and pumping.

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Do they make a pill to make a womans breast produce milk?

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It will take weeks, most likely, to get a decent flow of milk, but yes, you will produce breast milk if you're not pregnant and pump. Even men can produce breast milk if they pump. Read the instructions that come with it.

Does a girls breast contain milk even if she is not a pregnant and at what age she may find milk in her breasts?

Age has nothing to do with when a female produces breast milk, and the only time a female has milk in her breasts is after giving birth. The first breast secretion after delivering is not milk, but a substance called "Colostrum", which is thought to have more of the vital nutrients and immune boosters than the breast milk itself has. The breasts will produce the colostrum for about a day, then they will begin producing milk. They will continue to produce milk for as long as the mother nurses, but when she stops nursing, the breasts stop producing milk.

Does a girl's breast contain milk even if she is not a pregnant and at what age she may find milk in her breasts?

Age has nothing to do with when a female produces breast milk, and the only time a female has milk in her breasts is after giving birth. The first breast secretion after delivering is not milk, but a substance called "Colostrum", which is thought to have more of the vital nutrients and immune boosters than the breast milk itself has. The breasts will produce the colostrum for about a day, then they will begin producing milk. They will continue to produce milk for as long as the mother nurses, but when she stops nursing, the breasts stop producing milk.

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No, birth-control will not make you produce milk. The only time you will preduce milk is if you are pregnant. CONGRATULATIONS =D

Jeg err ikke?

Yes, Enrique Iglesias is known for having lots of chest muscle but can produce breast milk. His breast milk is actually Spanish milk. It is hard for him to produce milk because of his breast size and the nipple is folded under his chest

Can you start breastfeeding after four months?

If you continue to offer a newborn the breast from the time of birth and do not supplement with formula you will have an adequate supply of breast milk until you stop offering the breast. Breast milk is supplied based on demand. If the newborn/child suckles for it, your breasts will continue to produce milk indefinitely.

Does breast milk come out after a year in a half?

A woman's breasts will continue to secrete milk as long as the woman continues to breast feed.

Can you produce breast milk if you never been pregnant?


Can a man's breast produce milk?

Yes. Male breasts have milk ducts.