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AB, Rh negative recipients may be transfused AB, Rh negative whole blood (rarely used in modern transfusion medicine), any ABO, Rh negative red cells, any ABO, Rh negative platelets (with volume reduction of residual incompatible plasma if the requesting physician is concerned) and only AB fresh frozen plasma. Rh positive cellular blood products may be give to an AB negative recipient IF there are no available Rh negative components, immediate transfusion is required AND there is no preexisting Anti-D (RH) antibodies present in the patients plasma.

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Only to other AB blood types

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Q: What blood types can donate to AB negative?
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What blood types can person with blood type A negative donate?

A person with A negative blood can donate blood to a person with A negative blood and a person with AB negative blood.

Can AB plus Donate to AB plus?

No - a pos can not donate blood to a negative

Why is it important for AB blood types to donate blood?

It's important for anyone who can donate blood to donate, but the fact is that AB is not a donor for any blood type but its own. AB can only donate to AB. AB is, however, what is referred to as a universal recipient, meaning that someone with type AB blood can receive blood from AB, A, B, and O blood types. This being the case, it wouldn't seem that a shortage of AB blood would be a problem unless there is a generalized blood shortage of all types (which there usually is, so donate if you can spare a pint!)

What type of blood does a kidney donor need to donate to a person with ab negative blood?

AB negative, A negative, B negative, O negative. Type AB is a universal receiver.

Can AB blood type donate to A type?

They can only donate to other AB types, but they can receive blood from A, B, or O.

Can O plus donate to AB negative?

No - a pos can not donate blood to a negative

What can an individual who is blood type AB negative do?

An individual who is blood type AB negative can receive any blood type that is negative. Somebody who is O negative can donate blood to anyone.

Does type A can donate to any bloodtypes?

No, they only can donate to blood types A, and AB.

How many types of blood exist?

Humans have 8 blood types: A+ and A- B+ and B- AB+ and AB- O+ and O- all types can receive donations from their individual blood type (for example anyone with A+ can receive and donate to other A+ members) in addition, anyone with A+, A-, B+, and B- can donate to anyone who has AB+ or AB-. O- can receive all types and AB+ can donate to all types

What all blood groups can donate blood to A negative person?

An individual with A- (A negative) blood can safely receive the following blood types during a transfusion:A-O-

To which blood type can a AB type donate?

Yes. O- can donate to all blood types. O+ can only donate to other positive blood types, including AB+.

What blood type can donate to AB negitive?

B Neg donors can donate to B Pos or B Neg patients.