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Well Azrael has a red hood and red clothes red cape pretty much red everything he has a fire sword and can double jump go through toxic and freezing gas he is also super strong so he can rip open walls. Huntress is a lady in a purple and black jump suit she has a cape she has a purple mask she can use the grappling hook ability she has the ability to jump from one bar to the next she can ride tight ropes. She also has some other stuff that I can't remember. I don't know how to unlock them I unlocked them from using an unlock all characters cheat you should try it some time.

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Q: What azrael and huntress look like in Lego batman?
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Yes, it is really fun I didn't really like Batman but know I do it is really funny!

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I'm afraid Lego Batman sets are no longer manufactured any more. You can still by them though off sites like eBay and Amazon.

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They used to carry Lego Batman sets at Toys R Us, Wal-Mart, Fred Meyer and the Lego store, but the Batman sets have been discontinued, so the best place to buy them now is bricklink and eBay, but the prices will be more expensive. WAY MORE EXPENSIVE! But who knows! The new theme 'Lego Superheros' is now out. Visit the Lego website to view and buy the new products. I believe Amazon sell them at cheaper prices.

What happened to LEGO batman?

Very FEW people actually know what happened. The story goes like this: Lego started making lego batman, but all of a sudden something happened. You see another toy company by the name of: "Hasbro" bought the licensing from DC and something happened. Long story short, Lego lost their licensing. So now Lego had thousands of lego batman items and couldn't sell it! Rumor has it that only a few people were able to buy LOADS of this stuff directly from lego. However, lego couldn't sell them any stickers, or manuals due to licensing. I met a friend who was one of those Few people! This story has been kept very secret. Many Lego employees don't even know about this! This is ONE reason why lego batman is very rare and expensive. But Lego batman gets its rarity and price mainly from how old and rare it is. But the fact that it has a low production rate, makes it even more rare.

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It's subjective, but many fans consider characters like Batman, Iron Man, and Harry Potter to be some of the coolest LEGO characters due to their popularity and unique abilities in the LEGO universe.

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The DS version will be altered to fit the console's memory.

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You go to arkarham Asylum and go through the doors marked like the ones in the Batcave

What do character studs do on Lego Batman for Wii?

Character Studs are like coins. They buy characters, extras, suit upgrades, etc.

Where can i download a a Lego war game for PC that isn't Lego Star Wars batman or Indiana Jones?

use roblox its not from Lego itself but its like Lego (roblox is an online game of brickieness) go on games in the navigation page then u wull find a war game somewhere